Monday, February 18, 2013

Hidden Valley gets a concrete floor!

 We're always looking for ways to enhance our guests' experience here at the property and this month is no different! We have brought in a wonderful, family-run concrete business, Hoaglund and Sons, to create a  one-of-a-kind floor near the Wedding Stage. They are truly specialists in their field and have vast knowledge of the concrete business.

 All three generations of Eric (Sr, Jr, and grandson) were on hand to install our new floor and have it blend seamlessly into the surrounding environment. First, a smooth layer was put down as a foundation. Next, they brought in a seamless stamp which will make the floor have a similar appearance to the amazon fountain nearby. Once the floor is finished, it will become a wonderful space for weddings, retreats, and reunions to gather at the property.

Hoaglund concrete is also installing a wheelchair accessible ramp that leads to our new Twin Oaks bathroom. This bathroom will be conveniently located near the wedding stage and will be equipped to help those guests who have difficulty getting around the property.

We'd like to thank Hoaglund and Sons for their wonderful work and we're thrilled to have Eric, Jr. and his wife celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary at the property this fall! We hope that you enjoy this project as much as we have-stay tuned for more photos once it is complete!

1 comment:

  1. Great work guys. This is a fantastic job. I am sure this will make the place suitable for a lot more now. Thanks for sharing.
