Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Couple #12 - A Long-Winded Romance

Lucky and Laurie first met in 1982 in Kona, Hawaii. They were both working in the hospitality industry while leading the lives of a musician and an outdoors enthusiast. After quickly hitting it off, Laurie soon found herself taking care of Lucky's 10-year-old son as well as his 70-year-old mother. Next thing she knew, ten years had elapsed, two more children were born, and then the young couple split up for seven years.
However, 1999 reunited their paths. Laurie moved back to the mainland, and back in with Lucky. These two star-crossed lovers finished raising their sons together. Jacob is now in the USMC, and Zachary is completing med school. Meanwhile, their parents have yet to marry. The "Who Wants to Win a Wedding?" Contest is the perfect opportunity for Lucky and Laurie to, finally, pronounce their undying love for one another in the presence of their two beautiful sons, and other close friends and loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. Lucky & Laurie have always opened their home to all of the kids that needed a place to sleep,eat,get their laundry done or help with staying in school.Always a safe loving home.Now they have opened their home to the USMC stationed in Yuma,that need a taste of home while on leave.It is about time for these two to have some fun!
