Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Hidden Valley Heath Ranch

The Hidden Valley Retreat and Spa, founded in 1960, was originally known as The Hidden Valley Health Ranch. For decades, Dr. Bernard Jensen, a holistic health pioneer who authored over 50 books on human longevity, alternative healing, and natural health, lived his dream of gathering dedicated pupils at his homestead.
Down below, in Hippocrates Circle, the doctor would present lectures on irridology, hydrotherapy, and reflexology. His days were also spent walking around his 13 acres, of winding paths, bubbling stone fountains, and verdant valley views, while he ate directly from over 100 organic fruit trees. Thanks to the work of Dr. Bernard Jensen, as well as that of his neighbor Dr. Paul C. Bragg, by the late 20th century, "Hidden Valley, California" had become synonymous with natural health.
After Dr. Jensen's passing in 2001, at the grand old age of 92, the property fell through the hands of numerous owners. Three years ago, it was purchased by Stephen and Fiona Markowitz, local San Diego entrepreneurs who have owned and operated a national, award-winning event company for the past 20 years. The ambitious couple have been busily renovating and upgrading the facilities, and the land, since.
Unfortunately, the grand re-opening of the Hidden Valley Retreat and Spa, as an event venue for reunions, retreats, vacations, and small weddings, was stalled due to the tragic Witch Creek Fire of 2007.
Now, after countless hours, and resources, spent saving Dr. Bernard Jensen's original dream, the Hidden Valley is once again a thriving land, ready to welcome you back to experience the peace, tranquility, and rejuvenation, that it is famous for.


  1. I really liked the name of this spa and must admit I wasn't aware of it. You provided detail information about it for the readers, thank you for sharing it with us

  2. Thank you for living this dream. I too want to live the dream.
