I've been getting a shot of the Wysteria that beautifies our pool/BBQ area every couple of days because I knew it was about to explode with purple blossoms...here's the progress over the last week-
I'm going to post a number of pictures that I've taken over the last few days to share what's "Bloomin" throughout the property. Can you help me name them?...
Well, we've had a number of changes over the past few months as the storms have rolled over these Valley Hills. The rain fall has inevitably altered the landscape and we had to say goodbye to our "3 Sister" trees that stood towering over the property for as long as we've known. The largest of the Sister's went down in the worst storm and miraculously avoided any disastrous destruction, beyond a section of a fence that is already in process of being rebuilt, and the loss of electricity for a couple of days. Here's Ian doing what he does best...working hard...
On a day that the rain came down hardest, Steve, Ian & I ran around the Ranch like it was the sunniest day in spring. Like spelunker's we ran from area to area (orchard to rock quarry, cactus garden to fish pond, patio valley platform to the enchanted forest) across the 11 acres to witness Mother Nature at her best!! The rain widened the streams that meander down the hillside and then the strategically placed waterfalls filled the stone fountain features. Over the past few weeks we've been working to get those same fountains cleared of sediment and ready for our viewing pleasure...here's a sneak peak, 2 angles of the one I'm anticipating most...
Along with restoration projects, the Ranch Hands and Ian have done an incredible job at maintaining the nature trails so that we can still enjoy our walks and sight seeing. The past few mornings I've been winding through these trails to see what's in bloom...
Well, we've been utilizing these adventurous workers on the Ranch for the past 6 months or so and their hard work has left the place looking magnificent!!
We have enjoyed our time with each of you and look forward to meeting the rest of you...